- 18/06/2014Krasnoarmiys'k: blue and yellow title
- 18/06/2014Patients staged a lying protest under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, on June 18, 2014
- 18/06/2014Near the Ministry of Health demanded the resignation of the director of the National institute of a cancer, on June 18, 2014
- 18/06/2014Rally on Lenin Square in Donets’k, on June 18, 2014
- 17/06/2014Korolevska expelled from meeting by Korolevska, on June 17, 2014
- 17/06/2014Deputy Inna Bogoslovska hardly got to the parliament building, on June 17, 2014
- 17/06/2014Action near the Verkhovna Rada: demanded new elections
- 17/06/2014A fight near consulate of Russia in Odesa, on June 16, 2014 (18+ Explicit language)
- 16/06/2014Police didn't allow burning of Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kyiv - the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- 15/06/2014Meeting near Consulate of Russia in Kharkiv, on June 16, 2014
- 14/06/2014Protests near Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kyiv: Beginning (June 14, 2014)
- 13/06/2014Picket near Presidential Administration: Activists demand lustration from Poroshenko. Yegor Sobolev's comment (June 13, 2014)
- 13/06/2014Picket near Presidential Administration: Activists demand lustration from Poroshenko, on June 13, 2014
- 13/06/2014In Moscow with the Ukrainian flag and in Kyiv with a flag of the Russian Federation
- 12/06/2014Activists from Volyn' picketed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on June 12, 2014
- 12/06/2014Inhabitants of Moscow arranged a rally in support of Ukraine, on June 11, 2014