The mission "EAST": day three

The mission "EAST": day three

Publication date: 29/03/2014


Seredina-Buda city, Ukraine

Locals: "here are no troops, only border guards. It's peaceful in here and everything is fine!

The mess is in Kyiv, and here we have control the situation

Ideas of Maidan are far away from us, but we are going to protect Ukraine!

We hope we won't have to, cause all of us have families on the both sides of the border"

Just for you to know: a man has a house in Ukraine and his garden is On Russia (it's not a mistake, most of them say ON Russia)

We're moving on...



Boyaro-Lezhachy village, Ukraine

We met our border guards. They "occupied" our car and made pictures with it, recorder were are we from and who we are, talked to us... Now we are waiting for their  commander, I will probabily have posibility to record an interview with him.

And in general, everything is quiet on the border and on the other side

Locals: "Russians brought here tanks on the first days of their invasion to Crimea. Now nobody's here.

Fields don't care about the war and the nations. They need to be plowed, and that's what we do. When we come to the field, we see there our rusian neighbours, we say hi and work "


Road to Sumy


We arrived to Sumy, Ukraine, tomorow morning we wil meet with local borderguards.