29/05/2014Summit on energy security: Merkel and Yatsenyuk, on May 29, 2014
29/05/2014US Secretary of State John Kerry about elections in Ukraine and sanctions against the Russian Federation, on May 29, 2014
29/05/2014Yatsenyuk wants Putin to condemn terrorists and support Ukraine
29/05/2014Obama promised to support Ukraine and isolate Russia
29/05/2014USA are ready to collaborate with new President of Ukraine
29/05/2014Leaders of EU accepted the results of Presidential elections in Ukraine and wait for collaborate
29/05/2014United Nations Security Council meeting concerning a situation in Ukraine (May 28, 2014)
28/05/2014How were ELECTIONS President of Ukraine in Chicago, on May 25, 2014
26/05/2014Report from the Canadian mission of observers of CANEOM concerning elections on May 25
26/05/2014Early Presidential elections in Ukraine: preliminary results, estimations and reports
21/05/2014USA threatens Russia with sanctions if the elections in Ukraine will be torn
20/05/2014Stringer RT detained at a checkpoint in Mariupol
20/05/2014Why do you vote?
19/05/2014Press conference of the NATO Secretary General Anders Fog Rasmussen, on May 19, 2014
19/05/2014Ukraine: Thinking Together - press briefing on the results of the conference
17/05/2014Aggressive men attacked the girls with the Ukrainian symbolics, protested against the war. Madrid, May 17, 2014
16/05/2014«Ukraine: Thinking Together» - Briefing Dedicated to the Start of the Conference (English)
16/05/2014UN notes situation deterioration with human rights in East Ukraine and Crimea (English)
13/05/2014EU gave to Ukraine over 1 billion euro macro-financial assistance