Url: https://youtu.be/eQk6UupEJuA
Ukrainians paid a terrible price for a victory over fascism - 8 million lives. 700 ukrainian cities and and 28 thousand villages were destroyed. 7 million ukrainian soldiers were defending their land in the Red Army and Navy. Another 100 thousand ukrainians fought against the Nazis in the ranks of the UPA, 250 thousand - in the armies of other anti-Hitler coalition.
Armies of Ukrainian Front liberated Berlin and Prague, Vienna and Belgrade. 2021 Hero of the Soviet Union were ukrainians, 26 of our countrymen were awarded the Gold Star of a Hero twice, and a legendary air ace Ivan Kozhedub - three times. 10 of 41 Soviet Union marshals were born in Ukraine. And when the Kremlin dwarfs say that they won fascism, we laugh in their faces.
No matter how many times would Putin try to rewrite history in his favor or imperial propaganda would try to convince us that we don't exist, we will remember and honor the heroism of Ukraine in World War II, we will keep the memory of our veterans.
We, the modern "banderas" (how russian "goebbelses" call us) from Kharkiv and Odesa, from Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kremenchug, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Mariupol, congradulate our grandparents on the Victory Day!
They won. We remember. We are proud. And we will also win!
Project was created by the order of "Information resistance" Group (www.sprotyv.info).
Authors of idea: Oleksiy Kopytko and Oleksandr Smyrnov.
Nina Antonova
Volodymyr Talashko
Tetyana Hrapach
Yaroslav Kucherenko
Creative agency - Tabasco (www.tabasco.com.ua)
Creative Director - Oleksandr Smyrnov
Managing Partner - oleksandr Gorlov
Director - Olena Sukhanova
Producer - Olga Zhehulina
Copywriters - Mykhailo Dragan, Ivan Barbul
Art Director - Mykhailo Suslov
Production - Limelite (www.limelitestudio.com)
Director - Eli Sverdlov (www.elisverdlov.com)
Operator - Dmytro Yashenkov
Music - Tomer Biran
Editing - Oleksandr Chornyiy
Second director - Yuri Andrievskiy
Executive producer - Volodymyr Yatsenko, Albert Zurashvili
Line producer - Julia Foster
Style - Pavlo Baklahina
Grim - Anna Lukashenko
Casting - Pavlo Makarchenko and Mychailo Voropay
Location Manager - Valeriy Gumenchuk
Production Manager - Maks Matveev
Post-production - Wizard / Coffee post
Sound - Baker
Tags: ATO, The Victory Day, World War II, Ukraine, war