Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SILm6xbSQKM
Jamala is a Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar singer. Her great-grandmother lived through the deportation of this entire ethnic group from Crimea to remote parts of the Soviet Union. Now Jamala’s parents stayed behind in Crimea after it had been annexed by Russia. In her songs she's longing about the return of her homeland.
"Ukraine's Next Generation" is a series of 35 short videos about Ukrainians changing their country. It could be about saving an old movie theater or fighting corruption, about making a city more friendly or launching an online database, but it always requires someone's initiative and a group effort. The project's heroes make these changes happen instead of sitting and waiting until someone else solves every problem.
Tags: Ukraine's Next Generation, Jamala, Crimea, Ukraine, deportation, Crimean Tatars